Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Preferred Divot Pattern

As many of you know, I have two degrees from Kansas State.  One in Hotel & Restaurant Management, the other in Golf Course Management.  While the main purpose of the blog is to promote Food and Beverage happenings at MCC, I thought I would take a time out and share a video from one of my mentors in the golf side of things, Dan Meersman.  Dan is the Director of Golf at Philadelphia Cricket Club and I learned a great deal from him in management of golf courses during my time at Victoria National Golf Club in Newberg, Indiana.  He, too, keeps a blog at http://philacricketgm.blogspot.com/ which is an excellent resource for all things golf maintenance.

I find the following video very relevant and one that more people should take to heart.  As a golf course guy, I totally understand how vital this can be to the overall conditioning of our practice tees.  This was also a huge topic of discussion during my greens section visits with the USGA.  Making divot patterns the correct way vastly improves how fast grass can grow and improves play-ability of our range sessions.  I hope you all enjoy this video as much as I do.
