So how do we go about solving this problem and bridging the gap between what actually goes on and what is perceived to go on at MCC? One of the many solutions is the use of technology and social media. As a young manager who has grown up in the digital age, I know how effective social media can be at advertising various promotions, specials, events and information in general to a large population.
Obviously, the creation of this blog is something new to Manhattan Country Club. I will utilize this blog as a more informative way to engage our membership about different initiatives and projects going on in my department specifically. Other outlets such as Facebook will be used to post photo albums from various food and beverage events. Twitter is another great tool that is growing in popularity throughout the Midwest. It can be used to distribute information about various events, specials, promotions or updates. Twitter has been a favorite of mine over the past year or two.
Many people are under the impression that Twitter is used to update people about what you are doing every moment of the day when in fact it is very much the opposite. Most of the information coming across Twitter is an update about the world around us whether it be an interesting news article or traffic update. For instance, if you were to find a great article about combining golf and fitness like this one you can share it with followers and let them read too.
Basically, Twitter brings information to us rather than us needing to search for it. I plan to utilize it for specials as well as updates concerning the activities of the club. Another cool feature will be incorporating pictures into tweets. Also called twitpics, a simple photo of the Soup of the Day or Themed Drink can be posted for MCC followers to view.
The best part of all of this is privacy. Social media outlets can be protected from outside viewers by allowing or refusing others to follow us. While I understand that not everyone will sign up for or use these forms of communication, there are more and more members who will connect now and into the future with each other in this manner, especially parents with children. For those of you currently utilizing Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. I applaud you and look forward to keeping you posted on our progress with these initiatives. Again, please let me know if I can be of any assistance. I love my job.