Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Day In the Life...

What does a typical day look like in the Food & Beverage Department at Manhattan Country Club? Anything but typical for the most part, but it might look something like this for a manager.

9:00am - arrive at MCC
9:01am - phone calls, e-mails and voice mail
10:00am - meet with client
10:30am - open Club XIX, write daily, assign reservations and organize banquet information
11:00am - employee lineup and delegation
11:30am - get lunch banquets underway, assist in Club XIX, check on pool
1:00pm - begin breakdown process from lunch banquets
1:30pm - re-set ballrooms for evening banquets/next day banquets
2:30pm - make phone calls, answer e-mails, code invoices, send contracts, etc.
3:30pm - meet with clients and vendors
4:00pm - shift change
4:30pm - banquet walk through, decorate and clean
5:00pm - employee lineup, start evening banquet preparation
5:30pm - work banquets and make rounds in Club XIX
6:30pm - assist as needed restocking ice, taking out trash, liquor, plate food, etc.
7:30pm - write banquet event orders, listen to voice mail, write next day's to-do list
8:30pm - banquet breakdown and re-set for following morning events
9:30pm - call it day and go home